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PM850 Splitter,PM780 Fiber Splitter,PM Optical Splitter,PM Splitter,PM780,PM780 Fiber Coupler,PM780 Splitter,PLC Splitter,PM630 FBT Coupler,PM630,PM630 Fiber Splitter,PM1550 Splitter,PM980 Splitter,PM PLC Splitter,PM Fiber Splitter,
1x2 Polarization Maintaining Blockless Fiber PLC Splitter Slow Axis [PM-PLC-BL-1x2]
Price: US$211.00
Date Added: 11/25/2024 by Austin Freeman
The fibermart 1x2 pm splitter working good in -40 ~ +85C temperature, top quality with high performance ER and good IL loss, will get more pcs here!