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OM5 Patch Cable

Fibermart OM5 wideband multimode bend insensitive fiber optimized for multi-wavelengths transmission systems operating in the range of 850-950nm, enabling optimal support of emerging Shortwave Wavelength Division Multiplexing (SWDM) applications that reduce parallel fiber count by at least a factor of four to allow continued use of just two fibers (rather than eight) for transmitting 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s and reduced fiber counts for higher speeds.

OM5 meets TIA-492AAAE and draft IEC 60793-2-10 A1a.4 requirements while completely backward compatible with existing OM4 networks and applications. It meets RoHS compliant and the fiber patch cord is optically tested for insertion loss to ensure high quality. OM5 Patch Cable



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