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1x8 Splitter,1x4 Splitter,2x2 FBT Coupler,FBT Fiber Splitter,FBT Coupler Splitter,PLC Splitter,2x2 Splitter,1x8 PM Splitter,ABS PLC Splitter,2x3 Splitter,PM Fiber Splitter,Blockless Fiber,PM Optical Splitter,Fiber PLC Splitter,2x2 Polarization Maintaining Coupler,
1x8 Fiber Polarization Maintaining(PM) PLC Splitter Slow Axis w/ ABS Box PM Splitter [PM-PLC-A-1X8]
Price: US$520.00
Date Added: 11/24/2021 by Dr. Henk
I ordered several 1x8 pm plc splitter for our project, it tested to be as good as they told, nice unit, will get more other fiber optics from fibermart!